
New Blog Yo...

So I have had a little practice at this blogging thing, but I digress. It didn't go as planned. I didn't have anything that I particularly felt was interesting and I was a little, err, lax in my blogging. :) So comes this blog. Where I hope that you dear internets can be my shoulder to lean on, my ear to bend, my bestie that is always there and I can tell anything to.
I have wanted to be a mom for a while now. I think meeting this dashingly handsome man may have had something to do with it.
We met in high school (my freshman year, his sophomore) and flirted with each other NONSTOP. Like seriously, I'm sure we made people want to vomit. Anyway, for one reason or another we never actually got around to dating. Although we did attend prom semi-together. (Another story for another time.) Flash forward to my first year of college. We began an over the phone relationship that was kinda like a crack addiction for me. I had to talk to him for fear of horrible withdrawals should I go for more than 6 hours without talking to him. This became a full fledged romance when we decided to date on November 5th of that year. A year passed and we hung out, had fun, became smitten with one another, and moved in together. (I know what your thinking, living in sin how could you? Believe me this gave me more worries than one would think but I am glad we did it.) So on our one year anniversary he asked me to marry him. (Which also happens to be a hilarious story which I will share at another time.) Of course I said yes. And on May 3, 2008 we were married in the sweetest little ceremony ever. I will never forget the rush of emotions I felt that day or the overwhelming sense of calm that came over me the minute I placed my hand in his. I was forever changed in the best way possible. Here was this wonderfully sweet man promising to put up with me for the rest of his life. Not just tolerate my insane insecurities, but love me for them. That was huge y'all. I am so grateful that God placed us in each others lives. And on days when he leaves his clothing lying around or a glass of soured milk in the living room, I just remind myself of this moment.

The moment the church doors opened and I saw him waiting for me at the front of church, looking completely uncomfortable in his tux. And then he looked up and his eyes met mine and the biggest, most boyish grin spread across his face. That will forever be etched into my memory. I don't think that I have ever felt anything quite like that, I love this man more than I love a good plate of BBQ, and if you know me then you know that that is L-O-V-E!

So this my ramblings. About our life, our marriage, and our journey to parenthood. So why don't you have a seat on our couch while I whip up some sweet tea and don't mind the doggies, their bark is definitely worse than their bite. :)

The Mrs.

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