
Two Down...

That's right people. The Mr. and I have officially been married for two whole years. It hasn't always been easy or perfect but it has been full of love. And the future looks bright for us. We are about to embark on new adventures together, the Mr. is looking to join a police force while I am still working to get my teaching degree (although on a side note I think I picked one of the worst times possible to try and become a teacher. budget cuts suck!). We are saving up to do some much needed improvements to our home and we are even toying with the idea of throwing a baby into the mix. All in all it has been a wonderful year and I am looking forward to year three! I promise a more sappy, loving post later but right now I need to shower and put on somethin sexsi for my man so we can get our grub on! (He's taking me to P.F. Chang's, delish!)


As the Mr. and I approach the end of our second year of marriage we have been bombarded with that question. You know the one.

"When are you guys gonna have a baby?"

We have seriously been thinking about it recently. My closest friends all have children now. The Mr.'s best friend is dating a girl who has a child from a previous relationship. We just think that we have reached that point in our lives where we want a baby. Granted I reached this decision LONG before the Mr. did. I think the thing that sealed it up for him was my job working as a nanny for one of our best friends. She has 3 children in all but I only kept 2 of them. The youngest one is completely in love with the Mr. and I am pretty sure the Mr. would do anything for him. It is the cutest thing in the world to watch them together. I think we are really ready to bring a life into this world.

Of course this whole baby thing has been a constant theme in our relationship from day one. Well maybe not day one but early enough in the relationship that I remember thinking Jesus! We're barely even sure we like each other enough to buy Christmas gifts and you would like for us to pop out a baby or two? Are you serious?

The Mr. and I look back on it now and laugh. His Nanny was probably the best because she told him he needed to, "Hurry up and marry that girl and start havin' babies because I aint gonna be around forever!" Of course we had only been dating seriously for about two months so I was caught a little off guard. Then one night right after we got married he caught his mom looking at cribs on ebay and she told him she just wanted to "be prepared." He was mortified! It was pretty hilarious at the time.

That of course is his side of the family. My side? Well the subject hasn't really been approached except with my mom. She has made it crystal freakin' clear that she is ANTI baby right now. She thinks she is too young to be a grandma and that we should wait until we are financially set. She also thinks we are too young to be parents. Gee thanks mom, way to have confidence in your first born. If I got pregnant today I would be 24 before the baby was born. A full year and a half older than you were when you had me. Obviously this line of conversation ends very quickly. I usually just smile and nod or just sit in silence until she's done.

All of this to ask, when is the perfect time for children? The answer I do believe is never. There is never enough time, money, ect. for a child but you find a way to make it work. So as I sit here finishing up some things on my to-do list and finalizing my outfit for our anniversary dinner I contemplate whether or not the world is ready for our offspring!